Work with any political party on common sense solutions to big problems – like providing the right amount of social care.
Champion the expansion of West Suffolk Hospital, high intensity theatre lists to reduce the backlog of operations, and greater use of primary care to minimise pressures on ED.
Ensure communities have a say in the reformed planning process promised by both Labour and Conservatives.
Hold weekly meetings to keep in touch, listen to your views and act on them.
Minimise phantom roadworks and maintain pressure on councils to repair potholes.
Oppose large scale solar near villages – but support renewable energy projects providing they give community discounts.
Push for improved resources for all schools, with a special focus on SEND.
Work with others in Parliament to improve the efficiency of public services by reinventing how they’re done – not doing the same old things with a bit less waste!
Promote independent businesses and local entrepreneurs.
Push hard to improve public transport in villages, especially around Stowmarket.
Help the police to improve community safety, respond more quickly to local crime and reduce antisocial behaviour.
Work with local communities to fund and encourage activities across the generations and reduce isolation among the elderly.
Above all I promise to be open and honest with you, even if it isn’t always good news!

If you have a little time to spare, fill out the form below and be part of a groundbreaking campaign…
Yes we have a mountain to climb. But with a brilliant team of volunteers, common sense solutions instead of left/right ideology, and freedom from party machines... we can win.
Let’s burst the Westminster bubble, raise some smiles and MAKE 4th July INDEPENDENTS’ DAY!